Česká Powerchair Hockey liga Competitions

Czech Powerchair Hockey

Since 2008 we are managing the Czech Powerchair Hockey League in which at the moment four teams actively compete with the forty active players. The season is divided into the autumn and spring part consisting of the four separate league games and it is concluded by the Play-off.

  • 5 teams

  • 40 players

  • 4 tournaments + 1 Play-off

  • Play-off

International competitions

International competitions give Czech players valuable experience, they increase the level of the Czech Powerchair Hockey and as well they bring the players unique experience.  That is another reason why the Czech teams should participate in international games. Teams Jaguars and New Cavaliers Prague are regularly organizing their own international tournaments Prague Cup and Prague Powerchair open.

  • Prague Cup (since 2009)

  • Prague Powerchair open (since 2010)

  • the most favorite international tournaments: Euro-cup, Munich cup, international tournament in Zürich, International E-hockey tournament Eindhoven

European championship

World championship

Both World and European championship are happening every four years and these events alternate every two years. Both championships are attended by eight teams divided into two basic groups. The games inside the group are followed by Play-off and Semifinals which decide about the finalists and the rest of the rank. Each game lasts 2 * 20 minutes and the players‘ composition is ruled by the classification (the points assigned to each player based on their disabilities). A team can qualify to attend the world or European championship several different ways – such as winning in the qualifying tournament.

Methodology to decide about the teams participating on the European Championship:

  1. The team which is the first in the overall chart
  2. The team which is second in the overall chart
  3. The team which won the last European Championship
  4. The national team of organizing country
  5. The team which won the qualification tournament
  6. Next team in the chart
  7. Next team in the chart
  8. Next team in the chart

Methodology to decide about the teams participating on the World Championship:

  1. The team which won the last World  Championship
  2. The team which won the last European Championship
  3. The team which was the second in the European Championship
  4. Team representing Africa
  5. Team representing Oceania
  6. Team representing Asia
  7. Team representing America
  8. The national team of organizing country